Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Edgewalkers - Ryza

A snowy forest lays tranquil in the morning hours. Sheets of frost lay on the ground like a blanket, completely undisturbed. In the distance, a towering city can be seen and its promises of warmth and shelter prove to be irresistible for most travelers. All of this is lost on the girl as she desperately runs through the woods. For her, the city is merely a hiding place for the vicious beast that had held her captive for so long. Through some fluke she had escaped its grasp and now fled with all the speed of prey. She is too scared to look back and continues running, whether her pursuers exist or not. As the woods thicken and the day grows darker, the girl finally begins to slow down as fatigue overwhelms her. Before she can plot her next step, thick arms envelop her small frame, picking her up despite her protests. She screams at being thwarted and begins to sob at the thought of returning to her previous home. Before she can put any plan into motion, the man mutters and all is dark.

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